Read Aloud Questions

Social Emotional
Let's Read!

Guiding Questions

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1. On the first pages of "Bookie and Cookie" we learn that Bookie lives on one side of the page and Cookie lives on the other.

→ Can you find clues in the illustrations that explain why Bookie and Cookie have their names?

2. What letter is on the pillow at Bookie’s house?

→ Why do you think that letter is there?

→ Later in the book you’ll see another pillow. What letter is on that pillow?

3. Do you see the little creature on Bookie’s side of the page?

→ What do you think it is?

→ Can you find this creature on other pages as you read?

4. As you turn the pages, pay close attention to the illustrations. You will notice many details that change and give more information about these two friends!

5. Turn to the page where it says that Bookie and Cookie are best friends and always together on the right side of the page.

→ Why do you think they are always on Cookie’s side?

6. Why do you think Bookie and Cookie are mad at each other?

→ Have you ever been mad at a friend?

→ What happened to make you feel mad?

7. Bookie and Cookie are mad because Bookie wants Cookie to come to his side of the page but Cookie doesn’t want to.

→ Why do you think Bookie wants Cookie to visit his side?

→ Why do you think Cookie doesn’t want to go?

→ Do you always play with your friends in the same place?

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8. How do Bookie & Cookie feel when they are on their separate pages, doing the things they love to do, but by themselves?

9. Bookie loves books and Cookie loves cookies, but when they are apart, what do they realize?

→ Is there something you like to do that you enjoy even more when you are doing it with a friend? 

→ Is there something special that you always like to do with a certain friend?

10.  Cookie explains the reason why he doesn’t want to come over: “I just don’t like what I don’t know.”

→ What do you think about what Cookie said?

→ Has there ever been anything you didn’t want to do just because you’d never done it before?

11. Cookie tries to invite Bookie back over to his side with fresh cookies.

→ Why did this idea not work to solve the problem?

12. When Bookie bakes cookies for Cookie, Cookie finally agrees to come over.

→ What made Cookie change his mind? What lesson did he learn?

→ Why do you think Bookie’s plan of making cookies worked to solve their problem?

13. Take a close look at the book in Bookie’s hand when Cookie comes over.

→ What book is he holding?

14. At the very end of this book Bookie and Cookie decide to try some new things “outside their pages.”

→ Can you tell a story of something new that Bookie and Cookie might try together?

15. Cookie learns that you can’t know if you like something until you try it. Can you be brave and try something new, just like Cookie?

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