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Read aloud questions

Social Emotional
Let's Read!

Read Aloud Questions

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1. Emile says he’s not shy; he’s just quiet.

→ What is the difference between being shy and being quiet?

→ When are some times that you’ve been quiet?

→ When are some times that you’ve felt shy?

2. Emile is quiet on the outside.

→ Is being quiet the same as being silent?

→ Are you ever quiet on the outside?

→ What are you typically doing when you are quiet on the outside?

→ How do you feel on the inside at these times?

3. Emile’s imagination is loud and adventurous on the inside!

→ Spend 10 minutes playing in ways that are quiet on the outside, but not on the inside.

4. On the outside, Emile builds little spaces for his furry friends.

→ But what big adventure is happening on the inside?

5. When Emile is being quiet on the outside, he notices all kinds of things with his five senses.

→ Spend a few minutes being quiet on the outside. What can you see, hear, smell, and feel now that you are quiet?

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6. Emile says that “strength can be quiet” while looking at a tree.

→ What do you think that means?

→ What/who else is strong and quiet?

7. Emile explores quietly with his friends.

→ But what is happening on the inside?

→ What are some fun quiet things that you like to do with your friends?

8. All of the adults Emile meets think that he’s shy… but he isn’t; he’s just quiet.

→ Why are they calling him shy? 

→ How do you think that makes Emile feel?

9. Why does Emile bark and stick out his tongue?

→ Has there ever been a time when someone has called you something that you aren’t?

10. Have you ever felt quiet on the inside and on the outside?

→ Spend 10 minutes playing in a way that feels quiet on the inside and on the outside.

11. LISTEN BELOW! How does this quiet, gentle music make you feel? How does it make you want to act/move?

→ Spend some time listening to this LᐧMᐧNᐧOᐧPlay!List and let it accompany your actions—whatever they may be.

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"This is the book club I never knew I needed!! My kids keep asking "when can we make a boat again??" and running around making boat noises. I've never seen them get so into a book, and have such creativity with ways to read/play with it!"
Think Outside The Box!
"My kids get so excited when the book club arrives in the mail and I love the included play ideas for expanding our play! This one is definitely a favorite!"
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"The activity card suggestions were easy to put together and fun for the kids. They provided a nice supplement to the story, and extended the enjoyment of the books."
"LᐧMᐧNᐧOᐧPlay! makes it so a book isn’t just a story we put aside. It’s something we can interact with and become a part of. O loves being able to listen to the story but then engage in the related activities."